The spoilt brat has been a crazy online shopper ever since she started this review blog. purpose being that she can reviews the real product from the boutique and also, save up on outings when you go shopping malls. it's really cheap to just surf the net and grab you stuffs at cheaper price.
it kills time too! what's worse than online shopping??
Isn't this bow ring adorable? call me pan-cute, i personally looooove bow, be it hair accessories or anything. as long as there's bow, i'll grab! and look, a bow on a ring ! sweet sweet sweet.
Not much of product introduction i do here, reason being those are all trendy goodies! what else to say other than GRAB THEM?
Send in your impulsive purchase with details as follows : Item Name : Material : Length : Condition : Size : Selling Price : to
Notice Board
Winner of studded clincher : Loelle Ting Chio Sin Mei
email has been sent to the winners, congratulations! Those who did not win, dont give up! stay tuned for more goodies giving out !
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