Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Dress like Megan Fox

Sorry for being in hiatus for a while !

Alright, in conjunction with Jennifer's body, starring Megan Fox the goddess of beauty, (i cant deny that the movie is bad, ridiculous to the extent i think it's lame.) i hereby make a post, of how to dress like megan fox!

1. baby tee
I think a good baby tee is a cute baby tee. u must get a tee which looks as cute as possible ! to make that plain tee not just plain and boring. u gotta wear out the BEAUTy inside the baby tee :) just like megan's way !

*picture credited to Http://UrbanChique.Blogspot.com*

2. Lace legging/Flower legging
without elaborating on this, i believe u know just how trendy it is to wear on a pair of lace legging matching with your short dress.
*picture credited to Http://vivacecabin.blogspot.com*

3. Plain Short Dress
Who says stars wear heavy thing? it can be so simple and nice just like this thigh length dress of Megan's.

*picture credited to Http://MissOcdInShopping.blogspot.com*

4. Mysterious Lace Dress
Why do i name this mysterious? look at the lace part, it's see through but at the same time covered by the flowers of the lace, it makes people fantasize bout just how smooth that inner skin is :)
*picture credited to Http://MissOcdInShopping.blogspot.com*
*picture credited to Http://VivaceCabin.blogspot.com*

By the way dolls, if u ask me for advice about The Movie Jennifer's Body, my advice is, SORRY. it's just not a good idea :) this is one kind of movie which u should watch at home, buying a dvd or something. As there are many censored scene in cinemas and it just doesnt worth it :)


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